(PDF) HK035-Main
474 1898 (2 Mar.) A mourning cover from Foochow to France, on front tied by ‘FOOCHOW’ Dollar chop, plus HK QV 10 purple on red paper, both stamps damaged, tied by ‘HONG KONG/8.3.98’ cds, and double ring ‘LIGNEN/PAQ.FR.NO.8’ French ship cancel. On reverse a part has been cut out, ‘VIHIERS’ arrival cds, damaged at the back flap and a few tears at the top. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
Ex. 476
475 1898 (Aug.) A mixed franking red band cover from Amoy registered to Vietnam, on front bearing HK QV 10c purple on red in vertical pair, tied by ‘AMOY’ Dollar chop, date illegible, alongside ‘AMOY/No. 911’ registered frame chop in black, and ‘SAIGON/COCHIN/30.8.98’ arrival cds. On reverse bearing ICP Coiling Dragon 4c, tied by large ‘R’ registered chop in black, and Jumping Carp 20c, tied by the same ‘AMOY’ Dollar chop, alongside, ‘AMOY’ reg. frame chop and ‘HONG KONG/20.8.98’ transit, missing back flap. Rare destination. Photo HK$ 30,000 - 35,000 476 1898 Coiling Dragon with watermark 10c green used on piece, tied by ‘PAGODA ANCH/21.9.99’ Dollar chop, plus bilingual ‘PAGODAANCH’ cds on Coiling Dragon x 4, 2 stamps defective, also Junk issue 10c and $1. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
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