(PDF) HK035-Main
199 1883 Large Dragon thick paper 1c bright green, Setting VII, bottom right corner block of 4 with sheet margins, mint and no gum, with a few minor tone spots, but still an exceptionally rare item. Chan 7. Photo HK$ 75,000 - 80,000 200 1883 Large Dragon thick paper, 1 cand green, tied by full strike ‘CUSTOMS/CANTON/11.9.85’ cds, some toning at top. Chan 7. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 201 1883 Large Dragon thick paper clean cut perf. 1 cand green, tied by small part of the ‘CUSTOMS/CHUNGKING’ oval cancel in black, fine used. Chan 7a. Photo HK$ 13,000 - 16,000 202 1883 Large Dragon thick paper clean cut perforations, 3 cands brown red, horizontal pair from setting XV, cliches 10-25, mint and dry gum. This is the only recorded pair from this setting from which only six positions have been identified. Ex. Mizuhara collection. Chan 8. Photo HK$ 40,000 - 50,000
203 1883 Thick paper clean cut perforations 3 cands brown red block of 6 setting VIII, positions 7, 26, 10, 25, 3, 11; hinged on top 2 stamps only, others unmounted mint. Extremely rare multiple from a later printing. Chan 8. Photo HK$ 140,000 - 160,000
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