(PDF) HK035-Main
171 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands vermillion, tied by French Post Office ‘SHANG-HAI/18.6.87’ cds, very fine and rare. Chan 2a. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 172 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands vermillion, tied by small part blue seal chop and over struck large sing ring ‘LANSING,MICH’ cancellation in black. Very fine and rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 12,000 - 14,000
173 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange horizontal pair, marginal bottom right corner copy, mint full original gum never hinged, left stamp with diagonal crease line. Fresh colour. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 30,000 - 35,000 174 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange, tied by the full strike of ‘CUSTOMS/NEWCHWANG/14.12.78’ cds, early usage on the Large Dragon issue. Short perforations at right and missing one perforation at the left. Rare. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 60,000 - 70,000
175 175 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands bister, tied by small part Customs cancel and part of single ring ‘NEW?’ foreign cancellation (it could be NEWYORK) very fine and rare. Chan 3b. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 176 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange, tied by ‘C.P.D’ frame chop in black, very fine used. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 177 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1 cand to 5 cands complete set of 3 used. 5 cands small thin in the center and top right. Chan 4-6. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 176 177
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