(PDF) HK035-Main
132 1891 (10 Jan.) A cover from Nanking to USA. On front bearing USA 5c indigo James A. Garfield , tied by faint Killer cancel, alongside ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/SHANGHAI/10.1.91’ double ring cancel in violet, on reverse with large bilingual buckle ‘LOCAL POSTAGENCY NANKING’ cancel in blue green, with ‘SAN FRANSICO/PAIDALL/3.2’ transit and illegible USA 10.2 arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
133 1892 (12 July) A cover from Nanking to USA, on front bearing Japanese Koban 5s pale blue, tied by double ring ‘I.J.P.O/MEIJI’ cds, alongside ‘YOKOHAMA/MEIJI/16.7.92’ transit, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/12.7.92’ transit and USA 6.8.92 arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
134 1895 (18 Feb.) A cover from Nanking to USA, on front bearing Ulysses S. Grant 5c brown, tied by the ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/ SHANGHAI’cancel, on reverse with bilingual large buckle ‘LOCALPOSTAGENCYNANKING’in blue green, ‘SAN FRANSICO/ PAID ALL/15.3.95’ arrival cds. toned at the top. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
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