(PDF) HK035-Main
1103 1925 (9 Aug.) A double registered cover form Tihwa to Ningyuan, bearing the overprinted ‘For Use In Sinkiang’ on Junk Junk 5c x 2, one stamp damaged 6c, tied by bilingual ‘TIHWA’ cds, bilingual ‘NINGYUAN/18.8.25’ arrival cds. With Sinkiang censor label on reverse. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
1104 1935 (21 Nov.) An air mail cover from Chungking registered to Hong Kong, on reverse bearing overprinted ‘For use in Szechwan’ on SYS London 2nd print 5c, Peking print Martyrs 20c in pair and 2nd Peking print Reaper 50c, all tied by bilingual ‘PASHIEN/ CHUNGKING’ cds. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1105 1934 (18 Feb.) A cover from Neikiang reg. to Chengtu, bearing opt. ‘Limited for use in Szechwan’ on Junk 1c and 5c block of 4, tied by bilingual ‘NEIKIANG’ cds and ‘CHENGTU/22.2.34’ arrival cds, with small part reg. receipt on reverse, a worm hole at top left. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1106 1934 (20 Jan.) Acover from Chungking air mail to Shanghai, bearing opt. ‘Limited for use in Szechwan’ on Peking 2nd print Junk 1c, 5c in pair and Peking print Martyrs 30c in pair, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING/18.1.34’ cds and bilingual ‘SHANGHAI/20.1.34’ arrival cds. fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 1107 1934 (29 Jan.) An air mail cover from Chengtu to Shanghai, bearing opt. ‘Limited for use is Szechwan’ on Junk 5c and Reaper 50c, each tied by bilingual ‘CHENGTU’ cds, with ‘SHANGHAI/9.2.34’ machine roller arrival cancellation on front, fine. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
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