(PDF) HK035-Main
994 1948 (13 Nov.) A mixed Gold Yuan and National Currency cover, from East Szechwan reg. to Chungking, on reverse bearing CNC 1st Union surcharge, $5,000 on $1 and $40,000 on 20c, and mixed with Gold Yuan surcharged 1/2c on $500 red pair, one stamp damaged, both tied by character ‘EAST SEZCHWAN/YONGLI’ cds, bilingual ‘CHUNGKING/15.11.48’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 995 1948 (29 Nov.) A Military air mail over from Shanghai to Navy Base, Nanking, on front with char. ‘Military Post’ in red single ring, on reverse with Gold Yuan Shanghai Union Press surcharged 10c on $1 on SYS Central Trust print, tied by illegible cds and bilingual ‘SHANGHAI/30.11.48’ arrival cds, a tear at the back on right. Photo HK$ 700 - 800
996 1948 (2 Dec.) A ROC official cover reg. to Nanking, on reverse bearing CNC surch. On SYS $40,000 on Central Trust print 20c greenish grey block of 20 and single stamps x 10, with small part reg. receipt overlapping stamps tied by bilingual ‘TAITUNG’ cds. Very fine. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 997 1948 (3 Dec.) A cover from Yunnan to Kunming, bearing SYS the 3rd Shanghai Dah Tung print, $300,000 yellow green, tied by char. ‘YUNNAN/BISEZHAI’ ‘ 碧色寨 ’ cds and char. ‘YUNNAN/DEHOUJIE/1.12.48’ ‘ 德厚街 ’ transit and ‘KUNMING/4.12.48’ machine roller cancel. Photo HK$ 600 - 800 998 1948 (27 Dec.) An express air mail cover from Consulat De France A Techentou registered to Paris, on front bearing Gold Yuan Shanghai Union Press surcharged $1 on $1 strip of 3, on SYS Central Trust print, tied by char. ‘WEST SZECHWAN/ CHENGTU’, on reverse bearing Gold Yuen San Yi surcharged $5 0n $2 x 6 on SYS Chunking Chung Hwa print, tied by the same cancel, ‘PARIS/8.1.49’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 700 - 900
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