(PDF) HK035-Main
959 1945 (17 Sept.) An air mail censor cover from Chungking sent registered to NewYork, USA, bearing SYS Central Trust print $1 x 3, $5 and Paicheng print imperf. $10 in pair, all tied by bilingual ‘PAHSIEN/CHUNGKING’ cds, on reverse with ‘MIAMI/14.10.45’ transit and ‘NEW YORK/16.10.45’ oval arrival cancel, ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label, roughly opened and minor toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 1,000 960 1945 (18 May) An air mail censor cover from Chengtu registered to Halifax, Canada, bearing SYS Central Trust print $2, $3 in pair, $5 and Paicheng print imperf. $10, all tied by bilingual ‘CHENGTU’ cds, with ‘Examined By C.544’ censor label, on reverse with ‘OTTAWA/5.6.45’ transit in 2 kinds, ‘HALIFAX/7.6.45’ arrival cds, toned and folded. Photo HK$ 600 - 800
961 1945 An embossed cover from Chengtu air mail to Sussex, England. Bearing SYS Parching print imperf. $10, $40 x 3, tied by char. ‘CHENTU’ cds and overstruck England machine roller cancel, date illegible. On reverse with faint ‘REBUBLIC OF CHINA/ CENSOR’ frame chop in black char, very late usage of this censor. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 962 1946 (28 June) A censor cover from Shanghai to Sussex, England, bearing HK print Martyrs 10c and Peking print Martyrs 40c, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds. With ‘Opened ByExaminer 5137/P.C.90’ censor label x 2. Photo HK$ 500 - 700
963 1948 (7 Nov.) A large size censor cover from Shanghai reg. to USA, bearing CNC 1st Union surcharged $20,000 on 10c, $30,000 on 30c both on SYS Central Trust print and SYS the 3rd Shanghai Dah Tung print $2,000,000 x 11, 2 stamps defects, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with ‘Post Office Department/United States of America. Officially Sealed’ label x 2, ‘SAN FRANCISCO/12.11.48’, ‘WASHINGTON. D.C./13.11.48’ transit and ‘NEWPORT/17.11.48’ arrival cds, center folded and a few tears at the top and bottom. Photo HK$ 600 - 1,000
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