(PDF) HK035-Main
934 1923 (11 July) A censor cover from Wusih registered to Stanley Gibbons Inc, New York, USA. On front bearing 2nd Peking print Junk 5c in pair, Junk surcharged 2c on 3c horizontal strip of 3, and the same surcharged stamp x 2 on reverse, all tied by bilingual ‘WUSIH’ cds (the English letter is above the Chinese char. Wushi) with another type of bilingual ‘WUSIH/11.7.23’ transit. (the char. Wushi is above the English letter Wushi) with ‘Post Office Department/United States Of America/Officially Sealed’ censor label, ‘NEWYORK/8.6.23’ arrival oval cancel, very fine. Photo HK$ 18,000 - 20,000
935 1919 (3 Sept.) A stampless ‘Service Des Prisonniers De Guerre’ Bando camp, sent to Germany, tied by faint bilingual ‘BANDO’ ( 板東 ) prisoner censorship chop in light purple oval, a few stain marks at the edges and dull corner. Photo. HK$ 800 - 1,000 936 1940 (23 Oct.) A censor cover from Shanghai reg. to France, bearing SYS Chung Hwa print $1, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with ‘Opened By Censor’, ‘4058 Examiner 4058’ and France ‘Controle’ sealed labels, with France 20.12.40 arrival cancel on reserve. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,300
937 1940 A censor cover from Shanghai reg. to England, via America. On reverse bearing Peking print Martyrs 40c, HK print Martyrs 50c and SYS Dah Tung print $1, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, ‘Opened By Examiner 1283’ censor label, tied by ‘PETORTH. SUSSEX/8.8.40’ arrival cancel. Photo HK$ 500 - 700 938 1940 A censor cover from Shanghai to London, England. Bearing Peking print Martyrs 30c and HK print Martyrs 50c, both tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, date illegible. With ‘Opened By Examiner 371/P.C.90’ censor label. Fine. Photo HK$ 400 - 500
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