(PDF) HK035-Main
912 1948 (11 May) An air mail cover from Ambassade De France En Chine registered to France, on reverse with SYS Shanghai Dah Tung print $5,000 x 3, $20,000 and $50,000 x 4, tied by bilingual ‘NANKING’ cds, bilingual ‘SHANGHAI/12.5.48’ transit and ‘PARIS’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 913 1948 (21 July) An air mail cover Consulat De France A Chungking registered to France, on reverse bearing CNC First Union surcharged on SYS $10,000 on $20 carmine, and SYS Shanghai Dah Tung 2nd print $50,000 x 7, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ cds. Photo HK$ 500 - 600
914 1948 (19 July) A value declared double registered air mail cover from Chengtu to Kangting. On front bearing CNC 1st Union surcharged $5,000 on $2 on SYS Central trust print and SYS Dah Tung print $10,000 in pair, tied by char. ‘WEST SZECHWAN/ KANGTING’ cds, with char. ‘WEST KANG/KANGTING/24.7.48’ arrival cds. On reverse with the CNC 1st Union surcharged $5,000 on $2 on SYS Central Trust print, SYS Dah Tung print $3,000 strip of 3, $50,000 and $10,000, tied by the same cancel as on the front. Missing one stamp on the reverse side. Photo HK$ 1,800 - 2,000
915 1948 (22 Nov.) A high rate franking cover from Peiping to Germany, on front with CNC Second DahYeh surcharged on SYS Central Trust print, $60,000 on $4 strip of 3, and large block of 15 on reverse, all tied by bilingual ‘PEIPING’, total rate $1,080,000. Photo HK$ 700 - 900
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