(PDF) HK035-Main
Ex. 649
648 1943 Surcharged of 50 cents with 2 vertical bars, East Szechwan surcharged 50c on 16c block of 8. The bottom right stamp with thin ‘16’ of basic stamp. Unused and no gum as issued. Chan 656, 656a. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 649 1943 East Szechwan surch. with two vertical bars on DPP opt. on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Central Trust print, 50c on 16c, group of 16 stamps, including perf. 13, 5 singles, one horizontal pair, and one single with perf. 11 x 10- 1/2, one horizontal pair with perf. 11 (one stamp with small damage), all unused, plus perf. 13, two singles and one horizontal strip of 3, and one single with perf. 11, all used, fine. (Chan 656, 656h). Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 650 1943 Hupeh surcharged of 50 cents with 2 vertical bars on SYS Central Trust print 16c, with DPP surcharge shifted to the left, 50c & bars shifted to the right variety, unused and no gum as issued. Chan 661var. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 651 1943 Surcharge of 50 cents with 2 vertical bars on SYS Central Trust print 16c block of 4 with right sheet margin, East Szechwan overprint left char. ‘ 角 ’ 字仿宋體 in imitate Sung style, unused and no gum as issued. With Ed Boers cert. 2013. Chan 656d, 656h. HK$ 500 - 600 652 1943 Surcharged of 50 cents with 2 vertical bars on SYS Central Trust print 16c olive block of 4 with imprint sheet margin, Hupeh surcharge on East Szechwan, unused and no gum as issued. Rare. Chan 663. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
653 1943 Surcharge of 50 cents on SYS 16c Central Trust print, Hupeh surcharge block of 45 (9 x 5) with imprint sheet margin, and showing the constant variety thin ‘16’ of basic stamp in the bottom right corner, unused and no gum as issued. Chan 662, 662d. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 654 1943 Kansu province machine surcharged of 50 cents with 2 vertical bars on SYS Central Trust print 16c in pair with imperf. bottom margin variety, unused and no gum as issued. Chan 667e. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 655 1944 SYS Hong Kong Dah Tung print, perf. 12 1/2, 8c to $20 complete set of 7, mint and a few stamps dry gum and with tiny toned spots. Chan 427-432. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
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