(PDF) HK035-Main
Ex. 623
623 1939 The 150th Anniv of the Constitution of the USA, 5c to $1 complete set 4 in large block of 20, all values tied by bilingual ‘KUNMING/4.7.39’ first day cancel, toned. Chan 399-402. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 624 1939 SYS Dah Tung print, no watermark, 8c green block of 4, imperforate tied by full strike bilingual ‘CANTON/28.12.42’ cds, very fine. Chan 405var. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 625 1940 SYS Dah Tung print, no watermark, $20 ultramarine & purple in complete sheet of 50 (10 x 5), unmounted and very fresh. Chan 416. Photo HK$ 800 -1,000
626 1940 SYS Dah Tung print with watermark 5c green, with imperforate at left variety. Unmounted and a few toned spots. Chan 418. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 627 1939 SYS Dah Tung print with watermark, 50c blue with imperforate top sheet margin variety, used. Chan 421var. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 628 1939 Martyrs HK print no watermark, 1c orange yellow large block of 28 with imprint, and imperforate between and imperforate at right side margin variety, unmounted, scarce multiple. Chan 435b. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 629 1939 Martyrs HK print no watermark, 2c blue in large block of 40 (5 x 8) with horizontal imperf. between at each vertical strip, mint and no gum. Chan 436a. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 630 1939 Hong Kong Martyrs print no watermark, thick paper, 20c light blue imperforate block of 4, Chan 446 var. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
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