(PDF) HK035-Main
Ex. 545
545 A lovely collection of China postal history items, good Imperial period, including CIP Coiling Dragon 2c x 2 on news wrapper, 2nd issue CIP reply card with CIP Coiling Dragon 1c x 3 to USA, mixed franking of the CIP Coiling Dragon 2c in pair and Chine to France, Mongolia cover with ‘WEICHANG’ ( 圍埸 ) cds, Chinese Artillery postcard, a few CIP Coiling Dragon covers, Imperial stationery cards, France and Germany Foreign Post Office items, with some ROC SYS used stationery cards, Junk issues on covers with scarce cancellations, Letter Box cancel, Liberated Areas covers and PRC incoming covers from Mongolia, with 2 fake items, good to fine (81) viewing recommended. Photo HK$ 38,000 - 45,000
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