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Stamps of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other Countries Auction in Hong Kong Sunday 25 March 2018 09h30 Lots 1 - 1150 Monday 26 March 2018 15h30 Lots 1151 - 1705 at Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong - Hoi Yat Heen Salon Room II - III, 3/F 665 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong. (MTR Quarry Bay station, Exit C) 香港北角英皇道665號, 北角海逸酒店,海逸軒3樓(港鐵 鰂 魚涌站 C 出口) Tel 電話 : (852) 2187 8888 Auction telephone (on day of the sale) 電話(拍賣當日) : (852) 2521 2883
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Date and Time:
12-20 March 2018 (10:00 am to 6:00 pm) (Except Saturday & Sunday, by appointment only)
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Date and Time:
23-24 March 2018 (10:00 am to 6:00 pm)
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ARRANGEMENT OF SALE Sunday 25 March 2018 at 9h30
Stamps of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other Countries
Lot number
Shanghai & Local Posts Imperial China 1878 - 85 Large Dragons 1885 - 88 Small Dragons Dowager Special Printings 1897 New Currency Surcharges 1897 Red Revenues 1897 - 1902 Coiling Dragons 1894 Empress Dowager 60th Birthday Express Letter, Postage Due & Collections Imperial China Stationery & Postal History Republic of China Regular Issues Republic of China Postage Dues
1 - 150
151 - 218 219 - 245 246 - 264 265 - 279 280 - 363 364 - 407 408 - 428 429 - 442 443 - 545 546 - 726 727 - 735 736 - 758 759 - 924 925 - 963 964 - 1006 1007 - 1054 1055 - 1116 1117 - 1125 1126 - 1138 1139 - 1150
ROC Airmails, ExpressLetter, Booklets, Other Special Issues & Collections
ROC Stationery & Postal History Prisoner of War & Censored Mail
Gold Yuan Period Silver Yuan Period
Japanese Occupation of China
at 16h00
The Dr. SYS New York Print Collection of Huang Ming Fang, Part II
Lot number 2000 - 2010 2011 - 2086 2087 - 2093 2094 - 2099 2100 - 2109 2110 - 2115 2116 - 2120 2121 - 2152 2153 - 2196 2197 - 2199
1941 Dr. Sun Yat Sen New York Print - Die Proofs
Stamps & Postal History
1945 Chinese National Currency First Union Surcharge on Dr. SYS New York Print 1946 Chinese National Currency Third Union Surcharge on Dr. SYS New York Print 1946 Chinese National Currency Chungking Central Central Surcharge on Dr. SYS New York Print 1946 Chinese National Currency Chungking Dah Tung Surcharge on Dr. SYS New York Print Military Post District Overprints on Dr. SYS New York Print Japanese Occupation Overprints on Dr. SYS New York Print
Censored Mail with Dr. SYS New York Print Other Issues and Collections
ARRANGEMENT OF SALE Monday 26 March 2018 at 09h30
Liberated Areas & People’s Republic of China
Lot number 2500 - 2516 2517 - 2609 2610 - 2622 2623 - 2628 2629 - 2634 2635 - 2647 2648 - 2657 2658 - 2684 2685 - 2711 2712 - 3170 3171 - 3230 3231 - 3238 3239 - 3315
North China East China North West Central China South China South West China North East China
Port Arthur and Dairen Area
North East Area - Local Overprints People’s Republic of China
PRC Collections PRC Postal Stationery PRC Postal History
at 14h30 Banknotes, Coins and Bonds of China & Hong Kong
3500 - 3669
at 15h30 Stamps of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other Countries Foreign Post Offices in China
1151 - 1205 1206 - 1235 1236 - 1256 1257 - 1260 1261 - 1269 1270 - 1293 1294 - 1311 1312 - 1350 1351 - 1365 1366 - 1369 1370 - 1390 1391 - 1406 1407 - 1409 1410 - 1447 1448 - 1492 1493 - 1547 1548 - 1567 1568 - 1602 1603 - 1664 1665 - 1692 1693 - 1705
Indo-China & Vietnam Laos & Cambodia
Mongolia Thailand Korea
Japan India
Malaysia & Straits Settlement
Singapore North Borneo
Labuan Brunei Macau Taiwan
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Postal History Hong Kong Collections Worldwide & Other Countries Literature & Miscellaneous
1 1865 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, candareens in the plural, 16 cands red, tied by full strike of the small double ring ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/18.1.65’ cds in deep blue, outer frame light double impression variety, full margins, very fine. Printing #18, Chan LS5. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 2 1866 Shanghai Local Post Large Dragon, laid paper 1 cand blue, close margins, unused and fine. Printing #23. Chan LS8. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 3 1865 Shanghai Large Dragon 1 Candareen blue printing #23, mint, laid paper, full margins, toned. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 4 1865 Shanghai Large Dragon 1 Candareen blue printing #23, mint, laid paper. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 5 1865 Shanghai Large Dragon, Antique numerals, laid paper, 1 CANDAREEN blue with four sides clear and even margins, printing #23, fine mint & rich colour. (Chan LS8, Livingstone 7c). Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000
6 1865 Shanghai Local Post Large Dragon laid paper, 1 cand blue full margins, with large part of Papermaker’s Watermark at top, mint and hinged, very rare. Chan LS8, Printing #23g. Photo HK$ 40,000 - 45,000 7 1865 Shanghai Large Dragon, Antique numeral, wove paper, 1 Cand. dull blue, printing #29, with close margins, unused, toned at back. (Chan LS11, Livingston #10a). Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 8 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Antique numerals Candareens in the plural, 6 cands red brown with huge margins tied by full small size buckle type ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST’ cds. Rare. With Royal Philatelic Society 1999 cert. Printing #33. Chan LS18. Photo HK$ 25,000 - 30,000 9 1865 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, candareens in the plural, 4 cands yellow, close margins, unused and no gum as issued, with pencil marks on reverse, fine. Printing #44, Chan LS3. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,600
10 1865 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon candareens in the plural, 2 (Er) cands black, 二分銀 , margins on all sides, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #54. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 11 1866 Shanghai Large Dragon 1 Candareen blue wove paper printing # 48, close margins, a tiny hole in the center, hinged remain, mint. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 12 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, candareen in the singular, 1 cand dark blue, colour variety, wide margins, unused and no gum as issued. Small thin at the top and lightly toned spot on reverse. Printing #52, Chan LS28. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 13 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon candareens in the plural, wove paper, 2 (Er) cands black, 二分銀 , wide margins, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #51. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500 14 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, antique numerals, 6 cands vermilion, close margins, and dirty, a small tear at right. Printing #46, Chan LS20. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
15 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, antique numerals, 6 cands terra-cotta, wide margins, unused and no gum as issued, with pencil marks on reverse, fine. Printing #58, Chan LS18. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 16 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, antique numerals, 12 cands orange brown, wide margins, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #60. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,800 17 1866 Shanghai Local Post Large Dragon, antique numerals 12 cands terra-cotta brown, horizontal strip of 3, wide margins and a minor defect in top left corner, but not affecting any stamps, unused and scarce. Printing #61. Chan LS21a. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 12,000
18 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, antique numerals, 16 cands scarlet, wide margins, with a dirt mark at the top right corner, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #62. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,800 19 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon, official reprints, 8 cands green, close margins, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #74, Chan LS37. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 20 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Large Dragon official reprints, 12 cands orange red, close margins, unused and no gum as issued. Printing #75. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,800 21 1866 Shanghai Local Post, an old time forgery of the Large Dragon 4 cands yellow in complete sheet of 16, mounted on presentation page, good reference. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
22 1866 Shanghai Local Post, an old time forgery of the Large Dragon 6 cands rose pink in complete sheet of 16, mounted on presentation page, good reference. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 23 1867 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon die proof, candareens in singular, 12 cand grey on thick card, size: 7 x 5.7cm. Rare. Photo HK$ 12,000 - 15,000 23
Ex. 24
24 1866 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon, values in cents, 2c to 16c complete set of 4, 2c trimmed perf. at the top. Mint and no gum, good to fine. Chan LS39-LS42. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 25 1873-77 Small Dragon surcharged 3 cands on 16c green, mint and no gum as issued. Rare. Chan LS71. Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000 26 1873-77 Small Dragon surcharged 1 cand on 16c green, mint and no gum as issued, rare. Chan LS60. Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000 27 1873-77 Small Dragon surcharged 1 cand on 12 cands brown, mint and no gum as issued, rare. Yang LS68. Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000
28 1873 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon 1st surcharge, 1 cand on 6 cands green, mint never hinged copy and lightly toned gum as usual. Chan LS66. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 29 1873 Shanghai Local Post Small Dragon surcharged in blue, 1 cand on 6 cands green, unused, with Roumet signature on back, light toning. Chan LS66. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 30 1875 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon, 4th issue, value in cand. 1 cand yellow on yellow paper, perf. 11 1/2, mint lightly hinged, full original gum, very rare. Chan LS50. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 31 1877 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon 6th issue, value in cand. 1 cand. carmine, imperforate bottom. A few dirt marks on reverse, unused and no gum as issued. One of the key values of the Shanghai Local Post, rare. Chan LS80. Photo HK$ 30,000 - 35,000 32 1877 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon 6th issue, value in cand, 1 cand carmine, tied by small buckle bilingual ‘LOCAL POST/ SHANGHAI’ cancel in blue. Rare and very fine used. Chan LS80. Photo HK$ 25,000 - 30,000
33 1886 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon woodchop handstamped diagonally in red, 40 cash on 100 cash yellow x 3, 2 mint and 1 used. Chan LS117ci. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000 34 1886 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon diagonal surcharge on 4th issue, 40 cash on 80 cash fresh horizontal pair, surcharge inverted variety, mint and lightly hinged, very fresh. Chan LS116a. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 35 1886 4th surcharged 40 cash on 100 cash yellow with surcharge reading from top left to bottom right var., no gum. Chan LS117ci. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
36 1888 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon 5th issue, 80 cash green horizontal pair, imperforate between variety, unused and no gum as issued, very fine. Not listed in any catalogue. Chan LS103var. Photo HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 37 1888 Shanghai Local Post, Small Dragon handstamp surcharge, 20 cash on 40 cash brown and 20 cash on 80 cash flesh, both with surcharge inverted mint and toned. Chan LS119a-LS120a. Photo HK$ 1,300 - 1,800 38 1893 Shanghai Local Post Postage Due design, proofs on thick paper and different colour, 2c, 5c, 10c, 15c & 20c, all in horizontal pair, very rare. Photo HK$ 15,000 - 20,000
39 1893 Shanghai Local Post, Double Dragon 2nd surcharged. 1/2c on 15c mauve in block of 14, each stamp with different handstamp surcharge position, tied by small double ring bilingual ‘LOCAL POST/SHANGHAI’ cancel. Very fine. Chan LS139. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 40 1893 Shanghai Local Post, Double Dragon 2nd surcharged. 1c on 20c mauve in block of 10, each stamp with different handstamp surcharge position, tied by small double ring bilingual ‘LOCAL POST/SHANGHAI’ cancel. Very fine. Chan LS140. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
41 1893 Shanghai Local Post, woodchop handstamped in blue on Double Dragon, ‘ONE CENT’ on 20c brown, with surcharge also appearing at the top variety, mint. Chan LS140var. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 42 1893 Shanghai Local Post, press surcharged in blue on Double Dragon, 1c on half 2c complete sheet of 50, without sheet margins, a few paper adhesive on few stamps only, unmounted and very fresh, full of original gum. Chan LS147. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
43 1893 Shanghai Local Post, Coat of Arms second issue, 2c brownish red, black inscription inverted variety, mint and hinge remnant, rare. Chan LS161a. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 13,000
44 1893 Shanghai Local Post, overprinted ‘1843/Jubilee/1893’ on Coat of Arms on 1/2c brown orange & black in pair, tied by the rare ‘SHANGHAI L.P.O/SWATOWAGENCY’ oval cancel in violet, with manuscript date ‘10.8.94’, fine. Chan LS168. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500 45 1893 Shanghai Local Post, overprinted ‘1843/Jubilee/1893’ on Coat of Arms on 1c brown & black complete sheet of 50, unmounted, full original gum, lightly hinged on one stamp only. Very fine. Chan LS169. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
46 1893 Shanghai Local Post, overprinted ‘1843/Jubilee/1893’ on Coat of Arms on 1c brown & black complete sheet of 50, with CTO cancel in blue. No gum. Very fine. Chan LS169. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 47 1892 Woodchop hand stamped ‘Postage Due’ on Double Dragon 5c carmine pink horizontal pair, left stamp with overprint inverted variety, fine used. Chan LSD2, LSD2a. Photo HK$ 1,700 - 2,000 48 1892 Shanghai Local Post, overprinted ‘Postage Due’ on Double Dragon, 15c blue with overprint inverted variety, used. Chan LSD3a. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
49 1893 A Shanghai stationery essay for the Shanghai Jubilee, printed in black on buff paper, size: 31 x 14.20cm, 3 sections folded letter card, with illustration on reverse, showing the Foreigners’ Buildings in Shanghai. One of R.A. Villard’s essays. The card has a 1893 Shanghai Jubilee stamp, 2c vermilion and black affixed on front. With Experts & Consultants cert. 2001, not referenced in Fortune Wang’s book , extremely rare and possibly unique. Photo HK$ 150,000 - 180,000
50 A small selection of the Shanghai Local Post stationery item x 4, unused with CTO. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700
51 1889 (28 June) A cover to Shanghai local, bearing surch. 20 cash on 100 cash green Small Dragon, tied by large buckle belt ‘LOCAL POST OFFICE SHANGHAI’ in red cancellation. On reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/JU 28 89’. Fine. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000
52 1893 (29 May) A small illustrated cover sent to Shanghai locally, bearing the Half stamps press surcharged in blue on 1/2c on 5c vermillion complete stamp, right stamp with surcharged ‘1/2 Ct.’ inverted variety, type 3 (Chan LS143a) tied by small double ring ‘LOCAL POST/SHANGHAI’ cds in blue green bilingual. On reverse with ‘SHANGHAILOCAL POST/29.5.93’ arrival cds, some toning and dirt marks. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 53 1893 (31 May) A small cover sent locally to Shanghai, bearing Double Dragon half stamp surcharged, right stamp with surcharge inverted variety (Chan LS141, LS141a) tied by small double ring bilingual ‘LOCAL POST/SHANGHAI’ blue cds, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/31.5.93’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
54 1895 (22 Oct.) A cover from Shanghai to Germany, on front bearing Germany Eagle type 20pf blue, tied by small single ring ‘SHANGHAI’ Gr.P.O cds, on reverse with large bilingual buckle ‘LOCAL POST AGENCY NANKING’ cancel in blue green, ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/22.10.95’ transit and ‘REICHENBACH/27.12.95’ arrival cds, fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
55 1896 (28 Nov.) A Shanghai Local Post The Coat of Arms 2c orange vermilion stationery envelope to Germany, untied at the stamp itself, bearing overprinted ‘Chine’ on French Peace and Commerce 25c, tied by ‘SHANG-HAI’ Fr. P.O cds. On reverse with ‘EISENACH/5.1.97’ arrival cds. fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 56 1898 (29 June) A cover sent locally to Shanghai, bearing Small Dragon surcharged horizontally 20c cash on 100 cash blue (Chan LS122) tied by large buckle belt bilingual ‘LOCAL POST OFFICE SHANGHAI’ cancel in red. On reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/ LOCAL POST/29.6.89’ arrival cds, fine. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
57 1927 “EMERGENCY POSTAL SERVICE / SHANGHAI/ 5 COUPONS FOR $1.00 / EACH GOOD FOR ONE LETTER OF ONE OUNCE” printed on brownish cover & a circular “EPS” handstamp in violet, 5 coupons intact, fine unused and complete. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 5,500
Ex. 58
58 1895’s Selection of 6 postal stationeries, 5 from Shanghai including Small Dragon 20 Cash card, 1c Arms card, Jubilee overprint on Arms cards x 2, 1c Arms newswrapper (used), and Chefoo 1c letter card, all unused otherwise stated, generally fine with light toning as usual. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
59 1895 Amoy Local Post first issue 1/2c green, complete sheet of 50 with full margins. Very fresh. Chan LA1. Photo 60 1896 Amoy Local Post proof overprint ‘Half Cent’ in black on perforated unprinted stamp, with left sheet margin, lightly hinged, fine and scarce. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 61 1896 Amoy Local Post, Third surcharge, ‘Half Cent’ on 4c brown, ‘G’ instead of ‘C’ in ‘Cent’ variety, unmounted mint full original gum, very rare. Chan LA14a. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 62 1890’s A Shanghai Local Post Double Dragon 2c brown stationery card, tied by double ring ‘AMOY LOCAL POST/AGENCY’ CTO in blue green, fine. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 HK$ 4,000 - 4,500
63 1894 Chefoo Local Post, 3rd issue 1/2c green complete sheet of 50, unmounted, folded and one row of horizontal perforations slightly split in center. Chan LC8. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 64 1894 (27 Oct.) A Chefoo Local Post 1/2c green newspaper wrapper, sent to Shanghai, tied by ‘LOCAL POST/CHEFOO’ cds, fine. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 65 1895 (4Apr.)AChefoo Local Post 1+1 1c red letter card sent to Shanghai, tied by ‘LOCALPOST/CHEFOO’cds, with ‘SHANGHAI/ LOCAL POST/8.4.95’ arrival cds, rejoined and toned. Photo HK$ 1,800 - 2,000
66 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, first issue 1c rose colour trial colour trial proof, with perf. and gum, mint and toned. Rare. Chan LCH2P. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 67 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, 1c blue block of 14 (7 x 2) unmounted and full original gum, very fresh. Chan LCH2. Photo HK$ 800 - 900 68 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, first issue 2c brown complete sheet of 50, 3 stamps damaged, unmounted, fresh colour. LCH3. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 3,000
69 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, first issue 4c yellow complete sheet of 50, 3 stamps damaged, unmounted, fresh colour. LCH4. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 70 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, first issue 5c green, horizontal pair imperf. between variety, mint and lightly hinged. Chan LCH5ai. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 71 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, first issue 6c mauve, horizontal pair imperf. between variety, mint and lightly hinged. Chan LCH6bi. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 72 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, second issue 1/2c to 15c complete set of 8 in horizontal pair, imperforate proofs on thick paper with full margin, very fresh and rare. Chan LCH8-LCH15 (proof). Photo HK$ 7,000 - 9,000
Ex. 74
73 1894 Chinkiang Local Post 2nd issue (Golden Hill with clouds), 1c rose bottom horizontal strip of 5, essay, imperforate on thin laid paper, the largest recorded multiple, very fine and extremely rare item. Photo HK$ 45,000 - 50,000 74 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, 2nd issue, 1/2c to 15c complete set of 8, mint and hinged, fresh colour. Chan LCH8-LCH19. Photo HK$ 700 - 800
Ex. 75
Ex. 77
75 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, 1894 1st overprinted ‘Postage Due’ in black on first issue, 1/2c to 10c complete set of 7, mint and toned. Chan LCHD1-LCHD7. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 76 1894 Chinkiang Local Post, overprinted ‘Postage Due’ on first issue 4c yellow vertical pair imperforate between variety, small thin in top left corner of top stamp. Used. Rare. Chan LCHD4b. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 77 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, 2nd overprinted in bilingual ‘POSTAGE DUE’ on 1st issue, 1/2c to 15c complete set of 8, with CTO. Chan LCHD8-LCHD16. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 78 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, Postage Due stamps, 6c mauve complete sheet of 50, unmounted mint, folded with some horizontal and vertical perforations partially split. Rare. Chan LCHD38. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
79 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, Postage Due stamps, 6c mauve imperf. block of 4, tied by CTO, very fine. Chan LCHD38a. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 80 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, Postage Due stamps, 15c carmine complete sheet of 50, unmounted, folded with some horizontal perforations partially split. Rare. Chan LCHD40. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 81 1895 Chinkiang Local Post un-officially issued, overprint in black over red on first issue, 15c carmine, mint with hinged paper on back. Chan LCHD24. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
82 1895 Chinkiang Local Post, surcharged ‘FIVE CENTS’ on 5c on Postage Due stamp block of 4,unmounted and partial sheet margins, with a few red ink mark on reverse. Chan LCHD41. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 83 1890’s A Chinkiang Local Post 1c brown stationery card, tied by double ring ‘CHINKIANG/POSTAL SERVICE’ cancel, CTO, with a few toned spots. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 84 1895 (19 Apr.) An unaddressed cover, bearing overprinted bilingual ‘POSTAGE DUE’ on first issue, 4c, tied by ‘CHINKIANG/ POSTAL SERVICE’ cds and ‘TO PAY’ oval cancel, Fine. Photo HK$ 500 - 600
85 1895 (27 Mar.) A mixed franking cover from Chinkiang to USA, bearing the Chinkiang Local Post 1st issue 1c blue, tied by the double ring ‘CHINKIANG/POSTAL SERVICE’ cds, afterwards, transit to Shanghai, added the USA Ulysses S. Grant 5c brown, tied by single ring ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/SHANGHAI/11.4’ US P.O cds, the left side of the stamp is slightly cut, with partial ‘SAN FRANSCISO/PAID ALL’ transit and ‘LOUISVILLE/11.5.95’ arrival cds on the back flap. Photo HK$ 24,000 - 28,000 85
Ex. 87
Ex. 88
86 1893 Chungking Local Post, 1st 2c red, overprinted in black char. as Specimen ‘ 耑此敬竭/不作別用 ’, with paper adhesive on reverse and grease mark at the bottom. A similar item can be found in Fortune Wang collection. Chan LCK1S. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 87 1893-94 Chungking Local Post, 1st and 2nd issues 2c to 24c complete set of 7, mint and fresh. Chan LCK1-LCK7. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 88 1895 Chungking Local Post, overprinted ‘Postage Due’ on 2nd issue 2c to 16c short set of 4, mint and hinged. Plus Hankow Local Post 1896 1st surcharged 1c on 10c and 2c on 20c, both used. Chan LCKD1-LCKD4, LH16-LH17. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
89 1896 (26 June) A red band cover from Chungking to Shanghai, bearing Chunking Local Post 2nd issue 16c mauve, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ frame chop in violet, ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST/9.7.96’ transit alongside and ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/12.7.96’ arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 90 1896 (26 June) A red band cover from Chungking to Shanghai, bearing Chunking Local Post 2nd issue 24c green, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ frame chop in violet, ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST/9.7.96’ transit alongside and ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/12.7.96’ arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
91 1896 (26 June) A red band cover from Chungking to Shanghai, bearing Chunking Local Post 2nd issue 2c rose, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ frame chop in violet, fine. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 92 1896 (26 June) A red band cover from Chungking to Shanghai, bearing Chunking Local Post 2nd issue 8c orange, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ frame chop in violet, ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST/9.7.96’ transit alongside and ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/12.7.96’ arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
93 1897 Foochow Local Post Second issue 1/2c yellow, tied by full strike ‘CHINA POSTAL.SERVICE.FOOCHOW/27.1.97’ single ring cancellation, very early usage, most known cancellations are dated 3rd Feb. 1897, full original gum on reverse, very fine copy. Chan LF10. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 94 1895 (17 Dec.) Foochow Local Post Dragon Boat 1/2c deep brown stationery wrapper, tied by single ring ‘POSTAL SERVICE. FOOCHOW’ CTO. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
95 1893 Hankow Local Post 1st issue 5c violet, proof on white paper, rare, only 10 stamps being recorded. Liv P2J. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 96 1893 Hankow Local Post, first issue, colour proof, 5c dull violet on yellow paper, fine and rare. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 97 1893 Hankow Local Post, 1st issue colour proof, 10c claret on dull pink on unsurfaced paper, in vertical pair, very rare and fine. Chan LH3P. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 98 1893 Hankow Local Post first print, 2c violet on lilac in vertical pair tied by clear ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST/MY 29 89’ cds. Toned on back. Chan LH1. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400
99 1893 Hankow Local Post, 2nd issue colour proof, 30c rose red on lilac paper, showing the western building, with offset on reverse, showing the Chinese building in blue colour, very rare and fresh. Chan LH7P. Photo HK$ 15,000 - 18,000 100 1893 Hankow Local Post, 2nd issue colour proof, 20c dull brown on pinkish salmon paper, imperf. full margins, very rare and fresh. Chan LH7P. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 101 1893 Hankow Local Post, 2nd issue colour proof, 20c green on light grey paper, full margins, very rare. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 102 1893 Hankow Local Post, 2nd issue colour proof, 20c green on salmon paper, imperf. full margins, very rare and fresh. Chan LH7P. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000
103 1893 Hankow Local Post, second issue, 2c to 30c complete set of 5, all tied by ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST’ cds, fine used. Chan LH4-LH8. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
104 1894 Hankow Local Post, 4th issue 2c to 30c complete of 5, mint and full of original gum, very fresh. Chan LH11-LH15. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
105 1894 Hankow Local Post, 4th issue 2c to 30c complete set of 5, all tied by ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST’ cds, fine used. Chan LH11- LH15. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 106 1894 Hankow Local Post, 4th issue, 30c black colour proof, with black colour offset on reverse, mint and lightly hinged, full of original gum. Rare. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
107 1894 Hankow Local Post, 4th issue, 30c black colour proof, with black colour offset on reverse, with original design inverted variety, with paper adhesive at the top. Rare. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 108 1894 Hankow Local Post, 5th issue 2c to 30c complete set of 5, mint and full of original gum. Chan LH19-LH23. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
109 1894 Hankow Local Post, 5th issue 2c to 30c complete set of 5, all tied by ‘HANKOW/LOCAL POST’ cds, fine used. Chan LH19- LH23. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 110 1896 Hankow Local Post, 1st surcharged 1c on 10c to 5c on 30c, complete set of 3, mint and hinged. Chan LH16-LH18. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 111 1894 Hankow Local Post, ‘Postage Due’ overprint on 30c red on yellow, with overprint inverted variety, very fine used. Chan LHD10b. Photo HK$ 2,200 - 2,600 109 110 111
Ex. 112
112 1894 Ichang Local Post, 1/2c cand to 3 mace complete set of 8, mint, 3 mace no gum and lightly creased. Chan LI1-LI8. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 113 1894 Ichang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2 cand brown horizontal pair imperforate between variety, mint full original gum with tiny tear at top. Chan LI-1a. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 114 1894 Ichang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2 cand brown, imperforate at left variety, mint with paper adhesive on reverse, some toning. Chan LI-1var. Photo HK$ 2,800 - 3,200 115 1894 Ichang Local Post 1stt issue, 3 cands grey horizontal pair imperforate between variety and imperforate on both sides, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LI-4. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000
116 1896 Ichang Local Post, hand stamped in violet 2 cands on 3 mace carmine, 1st issue, used with paper adhesive. With APS 2002 cert. Chan LI-15. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 117 1896 Ichang Local Post, hand stamped surcharge 2 cands on 1 cand bistre, with surcharge inverted variety, unused and no gum. Rare. Chan LI-19a. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000
118 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2c black on rose complete sheet of 50, a few grease marks on reverse, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LK1. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 119 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2c black on rose complete sheet of 50, tied by ‘KEWKIANG/LOCAL POST/23.10.94’ Chan LK1. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
120 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2c red on yellow complete sheet of 50, a few toned marks at the bottom sheet margin only, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LK2. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 121 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, 1st issue 1/2c red on yellow complete sheet of 50, tied by ‘KEWKIANG/LOCAL POST/23.10.94’. Chan LK2. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
122 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, 1st issue 5c slate blue on yellow complete sheet of 50, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LK5. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
123 1894 Kewkiang Local Post, an essay of the 2nd issue, 1/2c black on grey brown paper. Fine. Chan LK11 essay. Photo 124 1896 Kewkiang Local Post, overprinted ‘Postage Due’ in red on the 3rd issue 1c black, type B, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LKD5. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 125 1896 Kewkiang Local Post, overprinted ‘Postage Due’ in red on 1c black, unused and no gum as issued. Chan LKD5. Photo HK$ 1,300 - 1,600 126 1896 Kewkiang Local Post, surcharged ‘TWO CENTS’ on 6c yellow, surcharged in black, lightly hinged and no gum as issued. Chan LK16a. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 HK$ 4,000 - 5,000
Ex. 127
Ex. 128
127 1896 Nanking Local Post, first issue 1/2c to 20c complete set of 8, mint and original gum. Chan LN1-LN8. Photo 128 1896 Nanking Local Post, from first issue to 3rd issue complete set of 15, plus extra 1/2c. Mint and lightly hinged, very fine. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 2,000 129 1896 Nanking Local Post, first issue, 1/2c grey imperf. bottom margin and shifted perf. Used. Chan LN1var. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 130 1896 Nanking Local Post, first issue proof 4ct brown on thick paper, toned on reverse. Rare. Chan LN5P. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
131 1890 (19 Dec.) A cover from Nanking to USA. On front bearing USA 5c indigo James A. Garfield in pair, tied by Killer cancel, alongside ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/SHANGHAI/19.12.90’ double ring cancel in violet, on reverse with large bilingual buckle ‘LOCAL POST AGENCY NANKING’ cancel in blue green, with ‘SAN FRANSICO/PAID ALL/14.1’ transit and illegible USA arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
132 1891 (10 Jan.) A cover from Nanking to USA. On front bearing USA 5c indigo James A. Garfield , tied by faint Killer cancel, alongside ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/SHANGHAI/10.1.91’ double ring cancel in violet, on reverse with large bilingual buckle ‘LOCAL POSTAGENCY NANKING’ cancel in blue green, with ‘SAN FRANSICO/PAIDALL/3.2’ transit and illegible USA 10.2 arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
133 1892 (12 July) A cover from Nanking to USA, on front bearing Japanese Koban 5s pale blue, tied by double ring ‘I.J.P.O/MEIJI’ cds, alongside ‘YOKOHAMA/MEIJI/16.7.92’ transit, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/12.7.92’ transit and USA 6.8.92 arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
134 1895 (18 Feb.) A cover from Nanking to USA, on front bearing Ulysses S. Grant 5c brown, tied by the ‘U.S.POSTAL AGENCY/ SHANGHAI’cancel, on reverse with bilingual large buckle ‘LOCALPOSTAGENCYNANKING’in blue green, ‘SAN FRANSICO/ PAID ALL/15.3.95’ arrival cds. toned at the top. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
135 1895 (7 Sept.) A cover from Nanking to USA, on front bearing USA Ulysses S. Grant 5c brown, tied by ‘U.S.POSTALAGENCY/ SHANGHAI’ cancel, on reverse with bilingual large buckle ‘LOCAL POST AGENCY NANKING’ in blue green, ‘SHANGHAI/ LOCAL POST’ and ‘SAN FRANSICO/PAID ALL/10.95’ transit, ‘UPTON/10.95’ arrival cds. fine. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
Wei Hai Wei Courier Post
136 1898 Wei Hai Wei Courier Post, 2c black on red, ‘joined paper’ variety and without G.K. Ferguson signature on reverse, rare combination of varieties, only 7 ‘joined paper’ examples believed to exist. Chan LWH1var. Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000 137 1898 Wei Hai Wei Courier Post, 5c black on red, unused, very fine. Chan LWH2. Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000
138 1894 Wuhu Local Post, first issue second printing, 1/2c yellow green imperf. block of 6, mint and hinged on the top sheet margin only, fine. Chan LW12a. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 139 1895 Wuhu Local Post 1st issue overprinted with Chinese values 5c, overprint inverted variety, mint and lightly hinged. Chan LW26a. Photo HK$ 200 - 300
140 1895 Wuhu Local Post, second issue overprinted with Chinese values, 5c yellow block of 4, overprint inverted variety, very lightly hinged and fresh colour. Chan LW49a. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 141 1895 Wuhu Local Post, second ‘Postage Due’ overprinted on 2nd issue, 1/2c lilac block of 10, with overprint inverted variety, unmounted and fresh colour. Rare. Chan LWD12a. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 9,000
142 1894 (4 July) A red band cover from Nanking to Wuhu, bearing the 2nd overprinted ‘Postage Due’ on 2nd issue 40c on carmine. Tied by ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 143 1895 (4 July) A red band cover from Wuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post 1st surcharged with Chinese values, 10 c on 10c brown red, tied by single ring ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/6.7.95’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400
144 1895 (4 July) A red band cover from Wuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post 1st surcharged with Chinese values, 20c on 20c red, tied by single ring ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/6.7.95’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 145 1895 (4 July) A red band cover from Wuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post 1st surcharged with Chinese values, 15c on 15c olive green, tied by single ring ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/6.7.95’ arrival cds. Very fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400
146 1895 (4 July) A red band cover from Wuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post 1st surcharged with Chinese values, 1c on 1c brown, tied by single ring ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds, on reverse with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/6.7.95’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 146
147 1895 (6 Sept.) A red band cover from Wuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post 1st issue 2c yellow, tied by ‘WUHU’ cds with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/8.9.95’ arrival cds in blue, very fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 148 1896 (11 June) A red band cover fromWuhu to Shanghai, bearing Wuhu Local Post second issue overprinted with Chinese value 1c on 1c blue, surcharge inverted variety (Chan LW47a), tied by ‘WUHU’ cds, ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/13.7.96’ arrival cds on reverse. Very fine and a rare variety on cover. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000
149 1898 (11 June) A red band cover to Russian consulate in Wuhu. Bearing the 2nd overprinted ‘Postage Due’ on 2nd issue 40c carmine. Tied by single ring ‘WUHU/CHINA’ cds. Some toning. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 150 1880 Small Dragon value in cash, second issue perf. 11, 40 cash rose horizontal pair imperforate between, mint original gum hinged. Rare. Chan LS88b. Photo HK$ 15,000 - 20,000
IMPERIAL CHINA 1878-85 Large Dragons
151 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, setting V, complete sheet of 20 (5 x 4) without selvage as is always the case from this setting, mint full original gum with a few hinges. Provenance: Ex. Huang Ming Fang, Zurich Asia 21st June 2003. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 200,000 - 250,000
152 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 1 cand green, tied by ‘5104’ French numerals lozenge cancel, very rare. Chan 1. Photo 153 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 1 cand yellow green, tied by ‘CUSTOMS/KIUKIANG/15.10.86’ cds in red, very fine and rare. Chan 1a. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 154 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 1 cand green and 3 cands brown red, both tied by foreign cancels in black, 3 cands with dull perforations at left. Chan 1-2. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 155 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, mint full original gum hinged, fresh. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000
156 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by black seal chop and over struck double ring French cancellation in black, rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 157 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by blue seal chop and over struck single ring ‘CAIRE’ foreign cancellation in black, rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 158 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by blue seal chop and over struck single ring foreign cancellation in black, rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 159 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by clear ‘CUSTOMS/NEWCHWANG/11.8’ non-year type cds, very fine. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 4,500 160 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by Customs House Wuhu cds, fine, minor defects of the bottom. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
161 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by ‘CUSTOMS/CHEFOO/19.5.80’ cds, very fine used. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 162 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by ‘CUSTOMS/CHINKIANG/7.4.80’ cds, fine used. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 163 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by double ring ‘AMOY CUSTMOS/MAIL MATTER’ oval cancel in red, with a few toned spots. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 164 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by full strike of ‘CUSTOMS/CHINKIANG/10.7.80’, a few toned spots. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 2,600 - 3,000 165 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by full strike of ‘CUSTOMS/CHINKIANG/6.10.79’, very fine used. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 4,500
166 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, tied by partial ‘CUSTOMS/TAKU’ cds in violet, rough perforations at left. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 167 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, used, tied by 2 different foreign cancellation, one can be identified as ‘PARIS’, trimmed perf. at left side. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500 168 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, used, tied by seal chop, missing a few perf. at right, other perfs are a bit short. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 169 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands brown red, used, tied by small part of seal chop in black. Fine. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,600 170 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands vermillion, tied by large double ring ‘?OMMEL.DANCE/15.5.89’ cancellation in black, very fine and rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 12,000 - 14,000
171 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands vermillion, tied by French Post Office ‘SHANG-HAI/18.6.87’ cds, very fine and rare. Chan 2a. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 172 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 3 cands vermillion, tied by small part blue seal chop and over struck large sing ring ‘LANSING,MICH’ cancellation in black. Very fine and rare. Chan 2. Photo HK$ 12,000 - 14,000
173 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange horizontal pair, marginal bottom right corner copy, mint full original gum never hinged, left stamp with diagonal crease line. Fresh colour. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 30,000 - 35,000 174 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange, tied by the full strike of ‘CUSTOMS/NEWCHWANG/14.12.78’ cds, early usage on the Large Dragon issue. Short perforations at right and missing one perforation at the left. Rare. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 60,000 - 70,000
175 175 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands bister, tied by small part Customs cancel and part of single ring ‘NEW?’ foreign cancellation (it could be NEWYORK) very fine and rare. Chan 3b. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 176 1878 Large Dragon thin paper, 5 cands orange, tied by ‘C.P.D’ frame chop in black, very fine used. Chan 3. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 177 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1 cand to 5 cands complete set of 3 used. 5 cands small thin in the center and top right. Chan 4-6. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 176 177
178 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1 cand to 5 cands complete set of 3, all tied by seal chop. Chan 4-6. Photo 179 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1 cand green with part of papermaker’s watermark, used. Very rare. Chan 4h. Photo 180 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1 cand green , tied by part of ‘I.G. OF CUSTOMS/PEKING’ cds and ‘PEKING’ seal chop in blue, fine used. Chan 4. Photo HK$ 4,500 - 5,000 HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 HK$ 7,000 - 8,000
181 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 1c green, tied by black seal chop and single ring ‘WASHINGTON’ cancellation in black, very fine and rare. Chan 4. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 182 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 3 cands brown red, used, tied by full ‘PEKING’ seal chop, fine. Chan 5. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,700 183 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 3 cands brown red, tied by faint ‘I.M.CUSTOMS/TAKU’ cds in blue, rare usage. Chan 5. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000
184 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 3 cands brown red, tied by ‘CUSTOMS HOUSE/WUHU’ double ring oval cancel, fine used. Chan 5. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000 185 1882 Large Dragon wide margin, 3 cands brown red, used heavy damaged at left side, plus Small Dragon 1 cand and 3 cands, both used and toned. Chan 5, 13, 14. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
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