HK040-LA & PRC
Ex. 2126
Ex. 2127
2126 A group of N series including (N2), (N15), (N16), (N18), (N19), (N21). Total 6 sets. All complete set plus (N8) short set lack of (no. 37). All unmounted mint original gum, some sets light toning. Photo J19 R600 HK$ 600 - 800 2127 A group of N series including (N1), (N11), (N20). Total 3 sets. All complete set unmounted mint original gum, (N20) light toning. Photo J4 R600 HK$ 600 - 700
Ex. 2129
Ex. 2128
2128 1974 25th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (2nd series) (J3) complete 4 sets in block of 4 and strip pair. Total 6 sets. All with margin folded unmounted mint original gum, slight toning at edge. Photo HK$ 800 - 900 2129 1975 Rural Women Teachers (T9) complete set of 4 with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 2130 1976 (J46) The 30th Anniv. of Founding of PRC, 3rd series, 8f complete sheet, very fine and fresh. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000
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