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Liberated Areas & People’s Republic of China
Auction in Hong Kong Wednesday
5 September 2020 Lots 2000 - 2261
Stamp Auction Network
Viewing 公開預展
(At Office 辦公室) 閣下可於 8 月 24 - 9 月 4 日,歡迎預約到本公司檢視郵品(星期六,日除外)
Date and Time:
24 Aug - 4 Sept 2020 (10:00 am to 6:00 pm) (Except Saturday & Sunday, by appointment only)
2020 年 8 月 24-9 月 4 日 上午 10 時至下午 6 時
Venue: Zurich Asia
21st Floor, 108 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong (MTR North Point station, Exit A1)
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Front Cover Illustration Lots : 2000, 2080, 2155, 2237 Back Cover Illustration Lots : 2154
Conditions of Sale 1. The auction will take place publicly and voluntarily. Participation means acceptance in full of the Terms of Auction, considered as known, of ZURICH ASIA (hereafter referred to as the auctioneer) by the Purchaser (hereafter also referred to as the Bidder or Buyer). 2. All lots mentioned in the catalogue may be inspected by Bidders before the auction. The Bidder will be held responsible for any damage caused during the viewing. The Auctioneer has absolute discretion to deviate from the lotting order, to combine two or more lots or to withdraw any lot from the auction. The estimated prices in the catalogue are not binding. The Auctioneer is also authorized to refuse any person’s attendance at the auction without giving any reason. 3. The lots are described with greatest care and to the best of the Auctioneer’s knowledge. The descriptions do not, however, constitute any particular guarantee. The catalogue illustration prevails as regards the margin, centring, separation and postmark of the stamps. Claims concerning quality and authenticity of single lots must be made immediately by the Buyer being personally present or in writing within seven days of the date of the auction. In the case of written bids for single lots must be in writing within three days after receipt of the invoice or goods. In the case of collections or collective lots containing two or more stamps which are not described individually, no claims will be accepted regarding quality and authenticity. Complaints must also be refused if the stamps are not returned in the original condition, or if they have been altered afterwards by the Buyer, except in the case of marks made by a recognised expert who is responsible for his errors. The bidding for single lots which have been newly certified by an expert denotes the acceptance of the certificate by the Buyer, and in this case the Auctioneer cannot be held liable. If a prospective buyer wishes to bid with an extension on any single lot, the auctioneer must receive notice in writing at least twenty-four hours prior to the day of the auction; this written notice must give the reason why an extension is required and whose expert opinion is to be sought; the latter must be agreed by the auctioneer. Extensions for expert opinion will normally only be considered for reasons of genuineness or classification; requests for extensions for reasons of condition will be decided by the auctioneer on behalf of the vendor prior to the sale. The auctioneer reserves the right to cancel any bid with an extension (notifying the bidder of his action) if in his opinion the item is not as described within the terms of the request for extension. All extensions must be cleared within 28 days of the auction, after which time the right of return is forfeited. Extensions are not granted on mixed lots or collections. All costs and charges for expert opinions are the responsibility and liability of the buyers. 4. The lots will be sold to the highest Bidder. The Buyer shall pay a commission of 15% added to the hammer price. Bidders are bound to their bids if a subsequent higher bid is invalid or immediately refused by the Auctioneer. 5. Written bids which are higher than the best bid of a Bidder present will be considered carefully and in the Bidder’s interest but without prejudice. In the case of two or more identical bids, the first bid received will be deemed to be the successful bid. In case of doubt, disputes or misunderstandings, the lot will be
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North China
2000 1938 White Full Sun of Nationalist China, 1st print on brown paper, 1c dull purple block of 6 with bottom sheet margin, unused and no gum as issued, rare. Yang NC3. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 10,000 2001 1938 White Full Sun of Nationalist China, 1c purple, 2nd printing on white paper, fine used. Yang NC5. Photo HK$ 600 - 800 2002 1940’s Revenue stamps Pagoda design, surcharged $50,000 on $300 olive green and $100,000 on $500 rose, both with surcharged inverted variety, unused and no gum as issued. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 2003 1947 Hand surcharged on large size Victory, $100 on $1 and $100 on $4, mint and lightly hinged, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NC41, NC44. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2004 1948 Chairman Mao Ping Shan print, imperf. $200 carmine block of 4, perforations shifted variety, unused and no gum as issued, with a few minor tone spots. Yang NC69var. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2005 1948 Chairman Mao, Ping Shan print, $1,000 deep brown, horizontal pair imperf. between variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NC72b. HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Ex. 2007
2006 1948 Chairman Mao, Ping Shan print, $100 slate black, vertical pair imperf. between variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NC68a. HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 2007 1948 Chairman Mao, Ping Shan print, $100 to $2,000 imperf. Complete set of 5, unused and no gum as issued. Very fresh. Yang NC76-NC80. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2008 1948 Chairman Mao, Ping Shan print, $200 carmine, vertical pair imperf. between variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NC69a. HK$ 800 - 1,000 2009 1949 Tientsin surcharged on Money Order, Pagoda design, $20 on $1 brown orange top left corner block of 4, each with overprinted double variety, tied by bilingual ‘TIENTSIN’ cds. Yang NCP18. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
East China
2010 1947 Shangtung Machine surcharged with lager char, ‘Yuan’ $ 50 on $2 dark green in pair, right stamp with minor broken char. ‘Five’, unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC123var. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2011 1948 Su-Peh machine surcharged with ‘Central China Liberated Area & Changed to’ short set of 8, less $100 on 75c, unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC336-EC342, EC344. HK$ 600 - 800
EX. 2013
2012 1949 Chairman Mao, San Yick print, $150 brown orange block of 4, with offset on reverse variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC453. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 2013 1949 Chairman Mao, San Yick print, $70, $150, $500, $1,000 and $200 all in large block of 100, unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC451-EC453, EC455-EC457. Photo HK$ 500 - 800 2014 1949 Kiang Kwai post, Chu-Teh, $5 dark blue block of 10 tete-beche. Unused and no gum as issued. With a few toned mark at the edge. Yang EC476. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 2,000 2015 1949 Kiangsu Area, Nanking surcharged on SYS Shanghai Central print, $1 on $10 and $3 on $20 complete set of 2, both with char. variety (華東華政) Unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC463d, EC464d. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2018
2016 1949 Kiangsu Area, Nanking surcharged on SYS Shanghai Central print, $1 on $10 block of 20, slightly double overprinted on each stamp with extra red inking remained. Unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC463var. HK$ 400 - 500 2017 1949 Kiangsu Area, Nanking surcharged on SYS Shanghai Central print. $3 on $20, Overprinted 2nd char ‘Tso’ (作) nearly omitted variety. Unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC464ar. HK$ 400 - 500 2018 1949 The 22nd Anniv of Chinese People’s Liberation Army $70 complete sheet and SYS surcharged $2,000 0n $1,000 large block of 100, both unused and no gum as issued. Yang EC444, EC462. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 2019 194? ( Sept.) A handmade opened cover to Tientsin, on reverse , bearing Shantung Post, Chu-teh $1 green (Yang EC81) tied by bilingual ‘NANPI’ (南皮) cds, date not clear, with bilingual ‘TIENTSIN/14.9’ char. Slogan arrival cancel. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 2020 1949 (8 June) A cover to Hangchow locally, on reverse bearing overprinted in red char. ‘HANG’ and surcharged $3 on $20 block of 5 (Yang EC469) tied by char. ‘CHEKIANG/HANGCHOW’ cds, fine. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
North West China
2023 2021 1949 Hand surcharged ‘People’s Posts’ on UPU, unused and no gum as usual. Yang NW94. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2022 1949 Hand surcharged ‘People’s Posts’ on UPU, used. Yang NW94. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 2023 1949 Sian overprinted on SYS Shanghai Dah Tung print, $20 block of 4, with basic stamp partially offset on reverse variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NW43var. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2024 1950 (10 June) A cover sent to Shannxi locally, on front ,tied by char. ‘SHANNXI/TAIZHEN’ (泰鎮) cds, and char. ‘SHANNXI/ ZHAIDIANZHEN/14.6.50’ (翟店鎮) arrival cds, on reverse with mixed franking, Chairman Mao and Great Wall $100 block of 3 (Yang NW38) and PRC (SC1) $500 Railway, tied by faint char. ‘SHANNXI/TAIZHEN’ cds. A small tear at right. with contents. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 2025 1950 (29 May) A cover to Shanghai, on reverse, bearing Chairman Mao and Great Wall $100 block of 8. tied by very fine strike ‘SHANNXI NANZHENG/RECEIVED AND DELIVERED DEPARTMENT’ (陝西南鄭/收發組) fine. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
North East China
Ex. 2026
2026 1947 The 22nd Anniv. of Nanking Road Incident, Shanghai imperforate short set of 5, $2, $20, $30, $50 and $100, all in large block of 32, minor toning and no gum as issued. Yang NE44P, NE47P-NE50P. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 2027 1949 The 28th Anniv. of Chinese Communist Party, $6,500 perf. shifted variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang NE150var. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2028 1947 (1 Dec.) A cover from Harbin to Canton, bearing Labour Day complete set of 3, tied by ‘HARBIN’ cds. Philatelic item. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 2029 1949 (19 May) A cover from Shenyang to Huanghsien, bearing International Day $1,500 (stamp toned and damaged) tied by ‘SHENYANG’ cds. Photo HK$ 500 - 700
Port Arthur & Dairen Area
2030 1946 Luda Area, Liaoning Posts hand surcharged on Manchukuo stamps, 20c on 3s green block of 6 with left side sheet margin, unmounted and very fresh. Yang AD1. Photo HK$ 600 - 800
Ex. 2026
2031 1947 Kwantung Area, The 1st May International Labour Day $1 on 2f to $15 on 30f complete set of 3, mint and very lightly hinged, fine. Yang AD25-AD27, Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2032 1947 Surcharged ‘Chinese Keangtung Postal Service’ $15 on 4f sage green on Manchukuo stamp, heavy image offset, unmounted. Yang AD29var. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
2033 1949 The 1st May, International Labour Day, $10 original print. Yang AD52. Photo
HK$ 300 - 400
South & Central China
2034 1949 Liberation of Hankow, Wuchang and Hanyang, $220 vertical pair, upper stamp top margin imperf. Variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang CC87a. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2035 1949 (18 Dec.) A cover to New York, USA, bearing surcharged on Pearl River Bridge $1,000 on $10, tied by bilingual ‘CANTON’ cds, a small part of address is cut out. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2036 1949 Liberation of Carton complete set of 5 in black colour on a same card as proof, plus a small engraved black colour proof of the Kweilin landscape. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
2037 1949 Swatow area, overprinted ‘Liberation, Temporarily Used For’ on Silver Yuan ‘Surface Mail’ orange, with overprinted shifted to left variety, unused and no gum as issued. Yang SC17var. Photo HK$ 600 - 800 2038 1950 Liberation of the Southwest, $30 yellow green block of 6, with perf. shifted to right variety, unused and no gum as issued. SW13var. Photo HK$ 600 - 800
North East Local Overprints
2039 1946 (15 Aug.) A FDC of the surcharged on Manchukuo stamps, with ‘1st Anniv of Japanese Surrender’ complete set of 4 (Yang NE326-NE329) tied by ‘HARBIN’ first day cancel. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2040 1946 A small selection of various ‘ROC’ overprints on Manchukuo stamps, with duplicates, mint and hinged, fresh. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 2041 1946 Northeast Local overprints on various Manchukuo issues from different areas, a few of them with overprint error, good to fine. 13. Photo HK$ 300 - 400
2042 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Chang Chun overprinted on 10f, block of 4 in Chinese and Japanese, overprinted shifted variety, unmounted and fresh. Chan MOKR.2Bvar. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 2043 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Chang Chun overprinted on 10f, block of 4 in Chinese and Japanese, overprinted shifted variety, unmounted and minor toning. Chan MOKR.2Bvar. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 2044 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Chang Chun overprinted on 10f in vertical pair in Chinese and Japanese, both overprinted inverted variety, unmounted and fresh. Chan MOKR.2B.1f, MOKR.2B.2d. Photo HK$ 400 - 500
Ex. 2045
Ex. 2046
2045 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Harbin overprinted in black with char. ‘Regain Possession Anniversary Commemoration’ 50f on 3f to 4y on 1y complete set of 4 in block of 4, mint and lightly hinged. Fresh. Chan MOSJ.8B.1-4. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2046 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Shun Yang overprinted in black on Manchukuo stamps complete set of 27, mint and hinged on small piece of paper x 3. Photo HK$ 500 - 600
2047 1946 Northeast Local overprinted, Toong Ho overprinted in red, 1y on 1f to 1y on 4f complete set of 4, each with sheet margin at left, mint and no gum. Chan MOHJ.27C.1-4. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 2048 A small selection of the Liberated Areas unused sets, including North East, Liberation of Northeast complete unused set, 29. Photo HK$ 200 - 300
Ex. 2048
Ex. 2049
Ex. 2050
2049 1949 1st Session of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (C1) complete 20 sets in big block with imprint margin. Unused no gum as issue, light toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2050 1949 1st Session of Chinese Political Consultative Conference North East used (C1NE) complete 20 sets in block with corner margin. Unused no gum as issue, light toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2051
Ex. 2053
Ex. 2054
2051 1949 1st Session of Chinese Political Consultative Conference North East used (C1NE) complete 30 sets in big block. Unused no gum as issue, few sheet with light spot toning. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400 2052 1950 (C4) Inauguration of PRC, $800 reprint, with 2 diagonal paper folded variety, fine used. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2053 1950 1st Anniversary of Founding of PRC (C6) (5-1), (5-2), (5-3), (5-4) all block of 25, (5-3) block of 20 and 1 single. Total 25 sets. All unused no gum as issue.d Photo HK$ 2,200 - 2,500 2054 1950 1st Anniversary of Founding of PRC North East used (C6NE) (5-1), (5-2), (5-4), (5-5) all block of 25 and (5-3) block of 20 folded and strip of 5. Total 25 sets. All unused no gum as issued. Photo HK$ 2,300 - 2,500
Ex. 2055
Ex. 2056
Ex. 2059
Ex. 2058
Ex. 2057
2055 1950 Commemorating Inauguration (C6) complete 25 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issue, light folded. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
2056 1950 Commemorating Inauguration of PRC North East used (C4NE) reprint, complete 25 sets in half sheet unused no gum as issue, some stamps with light spot toning. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 4,000 2057 1950 Defend World Peace (1st series) (C5) complete 10 and 15 sets in block. Total 25 sets. Both with margin. Unused no gum as issue, slight toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 900 2058 1950 Defend World Peace (1st series) North East used (C5NE) complete 15 sets and 10 sets in block. Total 25 sets. Unused no gum as issue. HK$ 800 - 900 2059 1950 1st National Postal Conference North East used (C7NE) x 20 sets and (C7) x20 sets both in big blocks. Total 40 sets. All unused no gum as issue, few stamps light toning. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Ex. 2061
Ex. 2060
2060 1950 Signing of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship (C8) complete 25 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issued, the margin edge is broken. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 2,800 2061 1950 Signing of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship North East used (C8NE) complete 25 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 2,400 - 2,800 2062 1951 30th Anniversary of Communist Party of China (C9) complete set block of 12 and 1952 25th Anniversary of Founding of the Chinese People Liberation Army (C17) complete set block of 8. All unused no gum as issue (C9) (3-3) toning at edge. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,600 2063 1952 Asian-Pacific Peace Conference (C18) complete 49 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2064 1953 35th Anniversary of Great October Revolution (C20) complete 30 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 2065 1953 Defend World Peace (3rd series) (C24) complete 32 sets in sheet. Unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2063
Ex. 2062
Ex. 2065
Ex. 2064
2066 1954 30th Anniversary of Death of Lenin (C26) complete 20 sets in sheet unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2067 1952 (S4) Gymnastics complete set all in block of 4, tied by ‘BEIJING’ cancel. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
Ex. 2066
Ex. 2072
Ex. 2071
Ex. 2069
2068 1950 (SC6) $400 on $15, with overprinted slightly double variety, used. Photo
HK$ 500 - 600
2069 1951 Air Mail 1st series, $1,000 - $30,000 complete set of 5, $30,000 the airplane is shifted upwards and break through the frame, unused and no gum as issued. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2070 1959 10th Anniversary of Founding of PRC 2nd series (C68) complete set of 4. Unused no gum as issue. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2071 1959 10th Anniversary of the PRC (5th series) (C71) x 2, used, slight toning. Photo HK$ 600 - 900 2072 1958 Aviation Sport (S29) complete set x 4 (4-1), (4-2), (4-4) block of 4, (4-3) in pair, unused no gum as issue and 1973 Chinese Export Commodities Fair (N21) block of 4 unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
2073 1960 (S44) Chrysanthemums, complete set of 18, mint full original gum lightly hinged. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 2074 1953 Tien An Men (R7) strip of 3 with margin and 1986 (R23) complete 60 sets in sheets. Both unused no gum as issue, few stamps slight toning. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 2075 1960 Chrysanthemums (S44). Complete set of 18, mint original gum hinged. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,200 2076 1960 Goldfish (S38) 8f (12-5) original gum a little dry gum, 8f (12-7) original gum a dirty mark at back and 8f (12-8) original gum. Total 3 pcs all with imprint margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 2,800
Ex. 2073
Ex. 2075
Ex. 2074
Ex. 2079
Ex. 2077
Ex. 2078
2077 1961 Tri-coloured Pottery of Tang Dynasty (S46) complete set block of 4 with matching corners. CTO. Photo
HK$ 400 - 500
2078 1961 Tri-coloured Pottery of Tang Dynasty (S46) complete set of some with margin but folded. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2079 1961 40th Anniversary Founding of Communist Party of China (C88) complete set of 5. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000
2080 1962 (C94M) Mei Lanfang miniature sheet, original size: 108 x 146mm. Unmounted and toned gum. Photo
HK$ 50,000 - 60,000
Ex. 2084
Ex. 2081
Ex. 2082
Ex. 2083
2081 1962 Red Crowned Cranes (S48) complete set of 3. All with margin. 8f (3-1) creased at back. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 2082 1963 Children (S54i) imperforated issue complete set of 12. Unused no gum as issue, few stamps slight toning. Photo HK$ 1,300 - 1,600 2083 1963 Giant Panda (S59i) imperforate issue. Complete set in pair, unmounted mint original gum, fine. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,200 2084 1963 Landscapes of Huangshan (S57) complete set of 16. Unmounted mint original gum, some stamps with paper stuck on back. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 4,000
2085 1964 15th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (C106) complete strip of 3 x 2. CTO, light toning. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700
Ex. 2088
Ex. 2086
Ex. 2087
2086 1965 2nd National Games of PRC (C116) complete set of 11. All with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 3,000 - 3,200
2087 1965 Women on Industrial Front (S71) complete set of 5. Unmounted mint original gum, light crease. Photo
HK$ 500 - 600
2088 A group of S series CTO sets including (S46), (S47), (S62), (S71). Total 4 sets. Photo
HK$ 400 - 500
2089 1967 Lin Ying Jun (C123) complete set of 6 slight toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2090 A group of C and S series including (C16), (C24) x 16, (C29) x 2, (C103) x2, (S1) x 2, (S4). Total 24 sets. All complete set. Unused no gum as issue or unmounted mint original gum, some stamps light toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 800
Ex. 2090
Ex. 2089
2091 1967 (W2) Long Live Chairman Mao complete set of 8, mounted on a special red colour jacket booklet with embossed gold lettering in bilingual ‘LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN MAO’, some stamp stuck on it (not completely stuck) very fresh on surface. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 2091
2092 1967 (W4) Chairman Portrait Specimen on yellow buff card, tied by bisected ‘Post Office’ in red, with a punch hole at left side, with no. ‘028’, fine. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 2093 1967 A complete set of the (W7) Poems of Chairman Mao, ‘Huichang’ (東方) repaired and “Yellow Crane Pavilion’ (茫 茫) fake, others unmounted and fresh, a few stamps with sheet margin. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 12,000 2094 1967 A small assortment of the (W5) single stamp used on piece x 9, not complete set, nice commercially used on piece. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 2095 1967 A small assortment of the various W series stamp used on piece, including (W7) x 4. Photo HK$ 600 - 700
Ex. 2093
2096 1967 A small selection of the (W7) Poems of Chairman Mao, including 10f block of 4 x 4, pairs with sheet margin, unmounted full original gum, viewing recommended. 33. Photo HK$ 40,000 - 50,000
2097 1968 (W13) Chairman Mao’s Instruction block of 4 with bottom imprint, unmounted and slightly toning. Photo
HK$ 7,000 - 8,000
2098 1968 Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan (W12). Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000
2099 1968 Lin Biao Inscription (W11) complete 25 sets in half sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 3,200 - 3,500 2100 1968 Lin Biao Inscription (W11) complete 50 sets in full sheet, folded. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 2101 1968 Lin Biao Inscription (W11) complete 50 sets in full sheet, folded. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
2102 1968 Lin Biao Inscription (W11) complete 50 sets in full sheet, folded. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
2103 1968 Lin Biao Inscription (W11) complete 50 sets in full sheet, folded. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 7,000
2104 1968 Publication of Communique of 12th plenary Session of 8th CCCPC (W15) complete set of 2, slight toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,300 - 1,400 2105 A group of W series including (W1) 8f (W1) Chairman Mao Portrait, (W2) 8f (W17) Chairman Mao and Li Piao, (W8) Sailing in the Sea and (W7) 8f (W51) Swimming. Total 4 pcs. All used, toning and light damaged. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,300
2106 1970 (N2) Ready to Punish Severely Invading Enemy block of 4 x 2, one block with imprint sheet margin, unused and no gum as issued. Photo HK$ 200 - 300
Ex. 2106
2107 1971 (N4) The 5th Anniv of Founding of the Chinese Communist Party complete set of 7 in block of 4, all come with imprint sheet margin, unmounted and full of original gum, fresh. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 2108 1970 Defense of Chen Pan-Tao (N2) and 1973 Chinese Export Commodities Fair (N21), both complete set of 4, unused or unmounted mint original gum, very light toning. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 Ex. 2108 Ex. 2107 2109
1970 Ready to Punish Severely Invading Enemy (N2) block of 15 unused no gum as issue and 1973 Chinese Export Commodities Fair (N21) complete set block of 21 with margin unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2110 1970 Ready to Punish Severely Invading Enemy (N2) complete 100 sets in full sheet folded, light toning and ball pen writing at edge. Photo HK$ 1,800 - 2,000 2111 1971 100th Anniversary of the Paris Commune (N3) complete set of 4, 8f (no.9) slight toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 900
Ex. 2109
2112 1971 50th Anniversary of Founding of the Chinese Communist Party (N4) (N12 - N17). All complete 40 pcs in full sheet. (N14) few stamps light toning at back plus (N18 - N20) a big block of 12 and 1 block of 3. Total 15 sets, very light toning at edge. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 35,000 - 40,000 Ex. 2112
Ex. 2114
2113 1971 50th Anniversary of Founding of the Chinese Communist Party (N4) (N12 - N17). Total 6 pcs short set x 2, few stamps toning and thin. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,100 - 1,200 2114 1971 50th Anniversary of Founding of the Chinese Communist Party (N4) complete set of 9 strip of 3, folded. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 Ex. 2113
Ex. 2115
2115 1971 50th Anniversary of Founding of the Communist Party (N4) (N18 - 20) strip of 3 x 2, light toning and folded. Both unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 2,800 - 3,000 2116 1971 Taking Tiger Mountain (N1) complete set of 6 with margin, light toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 2117 1972 Promoting Physical Culture (N9) slight toning and Iron Man (N10) with imprint margin. Total 2 sets both complete set. Unmounted mint original. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2118 1972 Ships (N7) and Red Flag Canal (N12). Total 2 sets both complete set. (N7) slight toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2119 1972 Ships (N7) complete set block of 10. All with matching imprint margin. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 4,500 - 5,500
Ex. 2117
Ex. 2118
Ex. 2119
Ex. 2121
Ex. 2120
Ex. 2123
Ex. 2125
Ex. 2124
2120 1973 Historical Relics unearthed (N16) complete set block of 4 with matching corner margin, unmounted mint original gum, few stamps slight toning. Photo HK$ 1,100 - 1,300 2121
Ex. 2122 1973 The White Haired Girl (N13) complete set in pair. All unmounted mint original gum, (N55) a trace mark on the back of one stamp. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 2122 1973 White Haired Girl (N13) complete 50 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 28,000 - 30,000 2123 1973 Women of China (N15) complete set block of 4 with matching corner margin. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2124 1974 Industrial Products (N17) complete set block of 4 with imprint margin. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 3,200 - 3,500 2125 1974 Industrial Products (N17) complete set of 4, slight toning. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2126
Ex. 2127
2126 A group of N series including (N2), (N15), (N16), (N18), (N19), (N21). Total 6 sets. All complete set plus (N8) short set lack of (no. 37). All unmounted mint original gum, some sets light toning. Photo J19 R600 HK$ 600 - 800 2127 A group of N series including (N1), (N11), (N20). Total 3 sets. All complete set unmounted mint original gum, (N20) light toning. Photo J4 R600 HK$ 600 - 700
Ex. 2129
Ex. 2128
2128 1974 25th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (2nd series) (J3) complete 4 sets in block of 4 and strip pair. Total 6 sets. All with margin folded unmounted mint original gum, slight toning at edge. Photo HK$ 800 - 900 2129 1975 Rural Women Teachers (T9) complete set of 4 with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 2130 1976 (J46) The 30th Anniv. of Founding of PRC, 3rd series, 8f complete sheet, very fine and fresh. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000
2131 1976 (J9) ‘7th May’ Cadre School complete set of 3 in large block of 20, with imprint. Unmounted and minor toning. Photo HK$ 2,600 - 3,000 2132 1976 4th Five Year Plan (J8) complete set of 16 with matching corner margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,700 2133 1974 (R17) 8f basic stamp double print variety, plus normal one for comparison, unused. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2131
Ex. 2132
Ex. 2133
Ex. 2134
Ex. 2135
2134 1977 30th Anniversary of Martyrdom of Liu Hu-Lam (J12) complete 40 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 2135 1977 30th Anniversary of Martyrdom of Liu Hu-Lam (J12) complete 40 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 2136 1977 30th Anniversary of Martyrdom of Liu Hu-Lam (J12) complete 40 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000
Ex. 21316
2137 1977 50th Anniversary of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (J20) with (5-1), (5-2), (5-4), (5-5) block of 10 and (5-3) block of 40. Total 10 sets. All with margin folded. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,200 2138 1978 (T28M) Galloping Horses miniature sheet, unmounted and fresh. Photo HK$ 1.600 - 2,000
Ex. 2137
2139 1978 (T28M) Galloping Horses miniature sheet, unmounted and surface scratch. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 2140 1978 Galloping Horse (T28M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 2141 1978 Arts and Crafts (T29M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
2142 1978 Arts and Crafts (T29M) souvenir sheet with red chop and 1982 Liao Dynasty (T74M) souvenir sheet. Total 2 pcs. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 2143 1979 (37M) Camellias miniature sheet with overprinted, unmounted and fresh. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 2144 1979 (T38M) Great Wall miniature sheet, with overprinted in Gold colour, unmounted and very fresh. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 2145 1979 30th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (J44) complete set block of 4, (J45) block of 4 and 6. Total 10 sets. (J47) block of 7 and 1 pair. Total 9 sets. (J48) block of 10. All complete set with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, some stamp light toning, folded. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2146 1979 30th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (J46) complete 28 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, very light folded. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 1,800
Ex. 2148
2147 1979 30th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (J46) complete set block of 10 and 1981 Quality Month complete set block of 15 and 8. Total 23 sets. Both with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000 2148 1979 Centenary of the Birth of Albert Einstein (J36) complete 50 sets in full sheet x 2. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Ex. 2150
Ex. 2149
2149 1979 Golden Pheasant (T35) complete set block of 25 in half sheet with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, some stamp light toning. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,600 2150 1979 The Five Thriving Trades of People’s Commune (T39) complete 39 sets in full sheet, folded, few sheets slight creased and light toning. Photo HK$ 2,200 - 2,400
2151 1979 (T41M) Science miniature sheet, unmounted and very fresh. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
2152 1979 Camellias of Yunnan (T37M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning at edge. Photo
HK$ 700 - 800
2153 1979 Camellias of Yunnan (T37M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000
2154 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey, 8f complete set of 80 (8 x 10) sheet number ‘61308’ with golden chart, very fresh surface colour, center folded and minor toning on reverse . Photo HK$ 850,000 - 900,000
Note: We would request each participants to pay HKD100,000 in advance to our company three days before the auction process. 備註: 如參與猴版拍賣, 每位競投者均要在拍賣前三日提供港幣十萬圓按金, 交於敝公司.
2155 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey, block of 6 with bottom sheet margin, unmounted. Photo
HK$ 55,000 - 60,000
2156 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey horizontal pair with left sheet margin, unmounted, minor toning and gold colour slightly faded. Photo HK$ 15,000 - 16,000 2157 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey, unmounted and fresh. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 2158 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey, with bottom sheet margin, unmounted and minor toning. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 2159 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey, with right sheet margin, unmounted. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000 2160 1980 Year of the Monkey (T46) with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Golden colour light oxidized. Photo HK$ 7,000 - 8,000
Ex. 2162
2161 1980 (T46) The Year of Monkey engraved black colour die proof on buff colour card, size: 77 x 100mm, with no. ‘07’, fine. Photo P15 R8,000 HK$ 8,000 - 9,000 2162 1981 (T67) Scenes of Lushan Mountains complete set of 7, total 25 sets, comes in separated blocks, (7-1) (7-3) and (7-5) rejoined by tape at the top and bottom sheet margin only, unmounted and fresh. Photo H10 R3,600 HK$ 3,600 - 4,000
Ex. 2163
2163 1981 A Dream of Red Mansion (T69) short set block of 4 including (12-1), (12-3), (12-5), (12-7), (12-9), (12-11). All with match corner imprint margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2164 1980 Selected Paintings of Qi Baishi (T44). Folder complete set with red chop. Photo HK$ 450 - 550
Ex. 2165
Ex. 2166
2165 1981 60th Anniversary of Communist Party of China (J64) complete 50 sets in full sheet and (J67) (2-1) block of 40, (2-2) block of 10. All unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000 2166 1981 China’s Sweep of 36th World Table Tennis Championship (J71) complete 24 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 900
Ex. 2168
Ex. 2167
2167 1981 National Safety Month (J65) (4-1) 79 pcs in full sheet, (4- 2), (4-3), (4-4) 80 pcs in full sheet, total 79 sets. All unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 2,600 - 2,800 2168 1981 National Safety Month (J65) complete set block of 8 with margin and block of 14. Total 22 sets. All unmounted mint original gum, some stamps light toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2169 1981 Year of the Cock Booklet (SB3). Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 900
Ex. 2170
2170 1981 Cattle (T63) complete set block of 10 with imprint margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Ex. 2171
2171 1981 Cattles (T63) complete set block of 8 with matching corner margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 2172 1981 Chinese Ceramics from Cizchou Kilns (T62) complete 25 sets in half sheet and 20 sets in big block with slight toning and creased at edge. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 2173 1981 Chinese Ceramics from Cizchou Kilns (T62) complete set block of 8 and strip of 4, both with margin. Total 12 sets. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 2174 1981 Edible Mushrooms (T66) complete 20 sets in half sheet and block of 4 plus 1 single set. Total 25 sets. All unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 2,200 - 2,400
Ex. 2172
Ex. 2173
Ex. 2174
2175 1981 Fable: Marking Gunwale (T59) 10 sets in full sheet. 10 sets in full missing 1 stamp (9 sets) and 9 sets in sheet, 1 stamp with a small hole. Total 28 sets plus one short set. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,700 - 1,800
Ex. 2175
2176 1981 Miniature Landscapes (T61) complete 50 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 3,500 - 4,000
Ex. 2176
2177 1981 Palace Lanterns (T60) complete 20 sets in half sheet and strip of 3 set plus 1 single set. Total 24 sets. All with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 5,200 - 5,400
Ex. 2177
2178 1981 Scene of Luhsan Mountain (T67) complete set block of 4 with margin, few blocks light folded and off set. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 900
Ex. 2178
Ex. 2179
Ex. 2180
Ex. 2181
2179 1981 Scene of Xishuang Banna (T55) complete 10 sets in block with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,900 - 2,000 2180 1981 Stone Forest (T64) complete set of 24 in sheet and block of 4. Total 28 sets (5 - 4) with complete 40 pcs in full sheet. All unmounted mint original gum, some sheet light toning. Photo HK$ 1,700 - 1,900 2181 1981 Year of the Cock (T58) complete 32 sets in large block and block of 12 plus block of 4. Total 42 sets. All with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, some slight toning. Photo HK$ 8,000 - 8,500 2182 1981 Beijing Long Distance Call Building (R19) complete 49 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2183 1980 Lotus (T54M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000 2184 1980 Selected Paintings of Qi Baishi (T44M) souvenir sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000
Ex. 2182
Ex. 2185
Ex. 2186
2185 1981 A Dream of Red Mansion (T69M) miniature sheet x 2. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
2186 1981 A Dream of Red Mansion (T69M) miniature sheet x 2. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
Ex. 2188
2187 1981 A Dream of Red Mansion (T69M) miniature sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
2188 1981 A Dream of Red Mansion (T69M) miniature sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
2189 1982 Year of the Dog (T70) complete 80 sets in full sheet, folded, light toning and strucked with paper on back. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 1,800
2190 1982 Year of the Dog (T70) complete 80 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
2191 1982 Year of the Dog (T70) complete 80 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning, folded. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
2192 A group of stamp booklet including (SB2) x 2, (SB4) x 2, (SB7) x 2. (SB14) x 1. Total 7 pcs. All unmounted mint original gum, few of them slight toning. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000 2193 1981 70th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution (J68) complete set of 8 and 1979 Railway Construction (T36). Both with margin. Unmounted mint original gum, (J68) toning. Photo HK$ 800 - 900 2194 1983 (T82) The West Chamber, 8f (4-2) the black colour dramatically shifted downwards, both figures become faceless, upper perf. had been trimmed and minor surface defects. Used and very rare. Photo HK$ 10,000 - 14,000
Ex. 2193
Ex. 2195
Ex. 2196
2195 1986 Year of the Tiger (T107) and 1988 Year of the Dragon (T124) both 80 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2196 1984 23rd Olympic Games (J103) complete 50 sets in full sheet x 3, light folded. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 600 - 800
Ex. 2197
Ex. 2198
2197 1987 70th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution (J68) complete 40 sets in half sheet, some stamps toning at back. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 2198 1988 Year of the Dragon (T124) complete 80 sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 600 - 700
2199 1989 (T135M) Silk Painting miniature sheet, the back ground colour-black, partially omitted variety, the colour turned to light brown. Unmounted. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,500 2200 1986 (R23) 1y Fijian complete sheet od 60, with building shifted upwards variety, unused and no gum as issued. Plus a normal used one for comparison. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 3,000
Ex. 2200
Ex. 2202
2201 1984 Tang Beauties Wearing Flowers (T89M) souvenir sheet, light toning. Photo
HK$ 500 - 600
2202 1990 Han Xizai Gives a Night Party, complete sheet x 30, unmounted and very fine. Photo
HK$ 1,400 - 1,800
2203 1958 Monument of People’s Hero (C47M) miniature sheet, CTO. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700
People’s Republic of China Collections
Ex. 2205
Ex. 2204
2204 A group of booklets and miniature sheets, including (SB9), (SB12), (SB15) and (J85M), (J174M), (T72M) and (1995-12M) x 2. All unmounted mint original gum, few sheet slight toning. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 2205 A group of C and S series including (C110) block of 6 with imprint margin, (C114) vertical pair with margin and (S69). Total 9 sets. All unmounted mint original gum, slight toning. Photo HK$ 700 - 800
Ex. 2206
2206 A group of C and S series including (C66), (C86), (C92), (C98). All complete set. Unmounted mint original gum, light toning plus (T70) x 1 CTO. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2207 A collection of C and S mint and used stamps (Approx. 9700 pcs). Photo HK$ 30,000 - 40,000 2208 A group of C and S series used collection. Total 47 sets. All complete set condition average. HK$ 500 - 600 2209 A group of J and T series including (J7), (J46), (T13) and (T43). Total 4 sets. All complete set with margin. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 400 - 500
Ex. 2207
Ex. 2209
Ex. 2210
2210 A group of J and T series including (J8), (J12), (J21) x 2, (J25), (J30), (T31), (T37) x 2, (T38). Total 10 sets. All complete set. Unmounted mint original gum, some stamps light toning. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 2211 A group of J and T stamp sets including (J40) 38 sets, (J60) 12 sets, (J61) 26 sets, (J67) 8 sets and (T55) 1 set. All complete set. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 1,100 - 1,200
2212 A group of J, T and Yearly stamp sets including (J120) 6 sets, (T147) 50 sets, (T162) 50 sets, (1995-8) 16 sets, (1998-6) 32 sets. All complete set. Unmounted mint original gum. HK$ 600 - 700 2213 A group of Yearly single stamp sets from 1992 to 2013 (Approx 400 sets). All complete set. Unmounted mint original gum, some sets light toning. HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 2214 A group of Yearly stamp sheets including (2000-3M), (01-4M) x 2, (01-08) 20 sets, (01-13) 16 sets, (02-14) 5 sets, (04-4) 20 sets, (04-16) 64 sets, (05-12) 4 sets, (07-6) 16 sets, (07-8) 16 sets, (07-18) 20 sets, (09-20) 4 sets. All complete sets in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. HK$ 650 - 750
Ex. 2212
Ex. 2211
Ex. 2216
2215 1994 Selected Works of Fu Baoshi (1994-14) complete 40 sets in full sheet and 1997 Selected Paintings of Pan Tianshou (1997-4) complete 32 sets in full sheet x 2. Total 64 sets. All unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 2216 A group of 2003 series including (03-4) 40 sets, (03-6) 40 sets, (03-8) 32 sets, (03-16) 40 sets, (03-21) 48 sets, (03-23) 40 sets. All complete set in full sheet. Unmounted mint original gum. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2217 A group of mix items including (J35) 80 sets, (J103) 79 sets, (SB7) x 5 and 4 covers. All complete set unmounted mint original gum, some set slight toning. HK$ 500 - 600 2218 A small collection of the worldwide used stamps, strong in PRC, with complete sets, approx. 250+. Photo HK$ 600 - 800 2219 A small group of the modern philatelic items, including FDC, bulletins, mainly 80’s to early 90’s. approx.30+. Photo HK$ 400 - 500
Ex. 2215
Ex. 2219
Ex. 2218
Ex. 2221
2220 A small selection of the various (W), (T) stamps used on piece, a few piece with multiple frankings. 14. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 2221 A small range of the modern issue on maximum cards x 4, not in complete set. Fine. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Ex. 2220
Ex. 2222
Ex. 2223
2222 A small selection of the PRC stamps and covers, mounted on paper, with a few early C & S complete unused sets, approx. 140 stamps and 7 covers. Viewing recommended. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 2223 A small selection of Cultural Revolution covers x 4, in including Anyuan x 2, good to fine. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
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