HK038-Main Catalogue
1222 1858 Two stampless covers sent locally and to France, both tied by single oval chop ‘DJOCLOKART/ FRANCO; in red and deep blue chop. Photo HK$ 16,000 - 18,000 1223 1860 A stampless cover sent locally, tied by double ring ‘GERANKEERD’ Horn design chop in red. Photo HK$ 16,000 - 18,000 1224 1903 (17 Sept.) A Postage Due postcard depicting Long-Techeou to Belgium, on front bearing Indo-Chine Navigation & Commerce 5c yellow green x 2 (Sc7')each tied by single ring 'DARCAU/TONKIN' cds, on reverse with Belgium Postage Due stamp 10c carmine and 20c olive green (Sc J5, J6) tied by 'BRXELLES/22.10.03' cds, alongside 'T' Postage Due black chop, minor toning. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,500
1225 1904 (29 July) AMilitary cover from Saigon to France, bearing overprinted 'F.M.' (French Military) in black on The Rights of Man 15c orange (ScM1) tied by double ring 'SAIGON-CENTRAL' cds, plus 35mm double ring 'MARINE FRANCAISE/SERVICE A LA MER' Anchor type Marine cancel in deep blue. 'NICE-ARRIVEE/ALPES/24.8.04' arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 1226 1906 (6 July) A Postage Due cover from Hanoi sent to Saigon, bearing Indochine 5c deep green in pair (Sc 27) tied by 'HANOI/ TONKIN' cds, plus 'T' triangle postage due mark in black, and France Postage Due stamp 10c imperf. (Sc J30i) tied by the same cancellation, with arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,500
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