HK036 - Main catalogue



1213 1944 (31 Oct.) An air mail censor cover from East Szechwan registered to Los Angeles, USA. Bearing SYS Central Trust print $3, $5 single and block of 4, both tied by char. ‘EAST SZECHWAN/LUNGYANJAN’ ( 龍隱鎮 ) ‘MIAMI/21.11.44’ transit, ‘LOS ANGELES’ arrival cds, dated 23.11.44 and 24.11.44, with ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label, fine. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 1214 1944 (4 Jan.) An air mail censor cover from Kityang, Canton to New York, USA, bearing HK print Martyrs 1c in pair, SYS Chung Hwa print 8c, Central Trust print 30c x 3, $1 and Paicheng print $10, tied by bilingual ‘KITYANG’ ( 揭陽 ) on reverse with char. ‘CANTON/KUKONG/10.1.44’ ( 曲江 ) bilingual ‘KWEILIN/13.1.44’ arrival cds. ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label. a censor cover from Canton province is unusual. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000



1215 1944 (4 Oct.) An air mail censor cover from Chungking registered to USA. Bearing SYS Central Trust print #4 in pair, Paicheng print $20 x 2, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ cds, on reverse with ‘MIAMI/17.10.44’ transit and /CAMBRIDGE, MASS/30.10.44’ arrival cds, with ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label, fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 1216 1944 (4 Sept.) An air mail censor cover from Chungking registered to New York, USA, in reverse bearing SYS Central Trust print $2, Paicheng print $30 and $50, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ cds, ‘DHA/130’ India censor violet chop, “MIAMI/2.10.44’ transit and ‘NEW YORK.4.10.44’ oval cancel and ‘NEW YORK/4.10.44’ arrival cds, with ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,400



1217 1944 (6 Mar.) An air mail censor cover from Hinkong?? Registered to Toronto, Canada. On front bearing SYS Central Trust print 10c, Paicheng print imperf. $10, tied by faint bilingual ‘HIKONG??’ ( 蜆崗 ?) cds, on reverse bearing SYS Central Trust print 50c, $1 and $3, tied by the same cancellation, bilingual ‘18.3.44’ transit, ‘TORONTO.ONT/19.5.44’ arrival cds, with ‘Examined By Censor/C.177/DB’ censor label, 3 vertical folded, but not harm to any stamp. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 1218 1944 (7 July) An air mail censor cover form Kunming registered to New York, USA, on reverse bearing SYS Central Trust print 50c x 4, Paicheng print imperf. $40 in pair, tied by bilingual ‘KUNMING’ cds,with ‘DHA/186’ India censor violet chop, ‘NEW YORK/8.8.44’ and ‘NEW YORK/9.8.44’ arrival cds. With ‘Opened By Examiner/P.C.90’ censor label, tied by India Crown type censor black frame chop. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500


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